2019年8月14日 星期三

php install oracle connect

1.  Oracle Instant Client

Oracle Instant Client enables applications to connect to a local or remote Oracle Database for development and production deployment. The Instant Client libraries provide the necessary network connectivity, as well as basic and high end data features, to make full use of Oracle Database. It underlies the Oracle APIs of popular languages and environments including Node.js, Python and PHP, as well as providing access for OCI, OCCI, JDBC, ODBC and Pro*C applications. Tools included in Instant Client, such as SQL*Plus and Oracle Data Pump, provide quick and convenient data access.

2.  install

3 Step:
package: oci8-2.2.0
package: oracle-instantclient19.3-basic-,

1. install rpm  for basic and develop, 
2. install oci8, 透過OCI8連到Oracle之範例說明
3. install php.d for oci8.ini
4. resta server

4. Good reference
linux centos centos7 安装oci8
Oci_connect function is undefined in CentOS with Oracle

5. explain PHP INI
php ini chinese

